Monthly Archives: September 2013

Catching up


It’s true I haven’t been on here for a while but in my defense a lot has happened in the last month. 

Firstly I am now a New Zealand resident! This is very exciting and I couldn’t be happier 🙂

Secondly a very strong Nor West wind left me without power for 6 days. Now that was an experience! 2 small kids and no power. We turned it into an adventure though and enjoyed a few campfires, BBQs and the beauty of the candles at night. I am pleased to report that my girls and I bonded a lot during this time. It also allowed me time to catch up with some reading while I had no TV. It was extremely calming and I haven’t felt that relaxed or good about myself for a long time. I highly recommend turning off the power on occasion and enjoying a simpler life 🙂

Also during the last month I suffered with a 6 day long migraine which I have rated M5 on my new scale. 

I have decided to rate my headaches/migraines on a scale in much the same way they rate tornados (and name them like hurricanes!).
M1 = mild headache curable with 2 paracetamol, no disruption to normal life
M2 = bad headache curable with 2 paracetamol and 2 nurofen, mild disruption to daily functions if left untreated
M3 = bad headache with pain starting to develop behind/around the eye + minor nausea cured with mersyndol
M4 = migraine with which I can perform most daily tasks if I really have to, usually cured with mersyndol
M5 = severe migraine causing extreme disruptions to everyday life. sometimes results in hospitalization, not curable with pills.

I have named it Michelle! 🙂 My head still hurts now but is much much better than it was.

The result of all this excitement was a very unproductive month as far as my writing went. Oh well never mind. Playing catch up is always a fun game!